Wednesday 29 October 2008


Mood : Happy

Highlight event of my day today...late for Spanish Class !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Well, woke up late resulting late to Spanish class. But i get a full attendance cos i told my teacher..i didnt bring my student cant use the electronic move eh...

  • So why am i late to class today? *^^* well chatting with this particular girl while switch on our webcam really make me fly into my dreamland..the perasaan berbunga2 still linger..Her expression and cuteness; when she shy n flip her laptop screen down, to hide who's her chatting with when her little rascal sister rush into her room without knocking on the door..hehe.. "She's All That"...nuff said..but still in progress..hopefully she will be mine..

p/s : Can't wait to go back to Malaysia.....

  • Had lunch with Munjong . Chinese student who was my ex-classmate in PEC class..She bought me Baskin Robbin ice-cream by the name "My Mother's Alien", (if translated in english)...BUT......................the ice cream felt out off the cone....aaaaaaarrghhhhhh............i should take a picture with her n put it here...hmm next time maybe..

  • Lastly, gotta sleep early cos tomorrow have a big event....attending a forum..the guest is Dr. Mahathir...hohoho..a mind like him would make the country running smoothly..not a big fan of him...Im never a big fan of politics but his way of thinking..,SUPERB....salute..


Sri Kandy Putri Naru said...

Wow so cute la that girl!!

kim salam plz. TQ :D

nunu ab halim said...

aaa sri, i agree!

Wild Card said...

Si dia sememangnya comel hehe...