Wednesday 15 October 2008

Its been a while...

Mood : Busy but carefree.. ~ Misirlou ......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its been a while since my last post b4 euid...dunno why..too lazy..or many i dont have things to post ..but i am quite sure there are a few things that i can post....

  • So ..for hari's my wish to all...a vid teaser..later on ill post up some pic..or u guys can search it at at frenster/facebook...

  • Bz, bz weeks to week = mid-term, week after = mid-term +presentation final year project..well, i hope i'll get the best out of it..

  • Well, catching up on One piece anime, plus Gundam 00...bleeh..cant believe im 23 n still watching this stuff...

  • Another thing is...Nuu birthday...maybe i'll send her a birthday card..n her birthday is on 3/12..sorry..lupe meh..guys not gud with numbers.. ^ ^

p/s : demmit..sumone please...hit/nag/anything so i can study for my mid-term...->desperately need for warden...miss those days in asrama....


iLa SindaReLa said...

nak warden ye??
org kn slalu jd warden..
muhammad faiz baharom..
study cpt..
rotan kang...

nunu ab halim said...

guys are not good with number but still they want to marry 2, 3 and 4. haha.

p/s:hadiah sekali tau. nak lomo ;) bday yu i beli sebuah pulau.haha