Monday 27 October 2008

Mood : Quite safisfied

Quite weird. Today, not like any other monday, i dont feel the monday sickness. But i am quite wash out by thesis and other things.

  • Dunno why, i feel gud when someone call me by my name Faiz. Although all my life, among families, they call me "paeh",high school frens "mimi", n now korean mates n frens "paije",but "Faiz", just feel different. Maybe because of its meaning "kejayaan"..hehe..who knows..

  • "Hip, hip ,hurrah !!!!".. today, final year project presentation went ok. But my prof said that i still have room for improvement. Demmit, why when in front of prof u dont move correctly my beloved project......s**t... hopefully i dont fail ...if not..................

  • Dedication to Nuu !!!!!!! THX A LOT!!!!!!

  • Went jogging...+ againts wall, shoot the ball...


nunu ab halim said...

i, cahaye


Wild Card said...

Yup2..sgt benar cik cahaya =>

iLa SindaReLa said...

kalo yg panggil iz cmne lak tu??