Wednesday 26 November 2008

Mood : Ok2 saja..

Again for a long time since last post...mmg x istiqamah langsung..haha...btw i have to make a few point here...

  • 3 weeks till finish this semester, meaning finish study...
  • Pondering the future...nk kje ke? nk sambung master ke? nk kje kat mane? Every now n then i cant make up my always have variable that u cant count or expect them to appear...
  • f***ing english writing subject..research paper? urgh..
  • looking fwd to Samsung Display Malaysia interview..btw this comp save gile, why do the interview in our University ? Why not spend out some money to do it in Hotel or sumthing..or maybe at their main headquarters in Seoul...sigh..
  • about love? hmm..blurry..ill sort it out later..
  • Things to buy : leather jacket, wrist watch , sunglass...
  • LOOOVEEE Russel Peter..he's the best comedian...although a bit racist...but still..he's the best..

Monday 3 November 2008

Sunday's Activity

Mood : Sebak + happy

Sunday's evening was spent for PPMK's Annual Dinner. This would be my last one here. Ups and downs together for 5 years here, in South Korea, will be remembered. During this nite, some of my frens cried, but i couldn't. Final year students exchange gifts and hugs. Took pics. Btw I give Nadz a wrist watch branded Foce + yellow rose, glad she like it. I got a Vans shoes !!!!!Thx to Tanya...i love my batch 70 very much. Here's some flicks of the nite :-
Ape tgk2? xDBoyband..haha.. She is Nadz She is TanyaThis is my Vans !!!!

Dr.M's Forum

Mood : HIgh-spirit...

One of my idol come to South Korea...

  • Dr. M's forum, 30 Oct 2008, titled "Globalization and True Realities" gonna write a bit about his speech..the content only..that i managed to jot down....He said :- globalization was made by the western and european to benefit them in economic, and globalization should be differ between countries especially the developing countries because the benefit only goes one-way. But this phenomenon can't be resist because the developing countries cant afford to invest in western countries, thus making the economic trade goes one way (western countries investing in ASEAN ), - developing countries need to make their own globalization and need some kind of protection, - Dr.M predict Malaysia will suffer from ecomonic breakdown just like US, sooner or later, - THE MOST IMPORTANT THING = 1)have LATERAL thinking 2) Take the work attic from Korean & Japan !!!!!

p/s : Dr.M mmg macho. Like his speech n personality. Can't believe he's 83.

Wednesday 29 October 2008


Mood : Happy

Highlight event of my day today...late for Spanish Class !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Well, woke up late resulting late to Spanish class. But i get a full attendance cos i told my teacher..i didnt bring my student cant use the electronic move eh...

  • So why am i late to class today? *^^* well chatting with this particular girl while switch on our webcam really make me fly into my dreamland..the perasaan berbunga2 still linger..Her expression and cuteness; when she shy n flip her laptop screen down, to hide who's her chatting with when her little rascal sister rush into her room without knocking on the door..hehe.. "She's All That"...nuff said..but still in progress..hopefully she will be mine..

p/s : Can't wait to go back to Malaysia.....

  • Had lunch with Munjong . Chinese student who was my ex-classmate in PEC class..She bought me Baskin Robbin ice-cream by the name "My Mother's Alien", (if translated in english)...BUT......................the ice cream felt out off the cone....aaaaaaarrghhhhhh............i should take a picture with her n put it here...hmm next time maybe..

  • Lastly, gotta sleep early cos tomorrow have a big event....attending a forum..the guest is Dr. Mahathir...hohoho..a mind like him would make the country running smoothly..not a big fan of him...Im never a big fan of politics but his way of thinking..,SUPERB....salute..

Monday 27 October 2008

Mood : Quite safisfied

Quite weird. Today, not like any other monday, i dont feel the monday sickness. But i am quite wash out by thesis and other things.

  • Dunno why, i feel gud when someone call me by my name Faiz. Although all my life, among families, they call me "paeh",high school frens "mimi", n now korean mates n frens "paije",but "Faiz", just feel different. Maybe because of its meaning "kejayaan"..hehe..who knows..

  • "Hip, hip ,hurrah !!!!".. today, final year project presentation went ok. But my prof said that i still have room for improvement. Demmit, why when in front of prof u dont move correctly my beloved project......s**t... hopefully i dont fail ...if not..................

  • Dedication to Nuu !!!!!!! THX A LOT!!!!!!

  • Went jogging...+ againts wall, shoot the ball...

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Its been a while...

Mood : Busy but carefree.. ~ Misirlou ......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its been a while since my last post b4 euid...dunno why..too lazy..or many i dont have things to post ..but i am quite sure there are a few things that i can post....

  • So ..for hari's my wish to all...a vid teaser..later on ill post up some pic..or u guys can search it at at frenster/facebook...

  • Bz, bz weeks to week = mid-term, week after = mid-term +presentation final year project..well, i hope i'll get the best out of it..

  • Well, catching up on One piece anime, plus Gundam 00...bleeh..cant believe im 23 n still watching this stuff...

  • Another thing is...Nuu birthday...maybe i'll send her a birthday card..n her birthday is on 3/12..sorry..lupe meh..guys not gud with numbers.. ^ ^

p/s : demmit..sumone please...hit/nag/anything so i can study for my mid-term...->desperately need for warden...miss those days in asrama....

Saturday 27 September 2008

On Sunday Morning..

Hoho..not so morning if you wake up @ 1 o'clock..

  • Friday's story : Just in 1 nite, summer can turn into autumn...bgn2 dh sejup menggigil...

  • Utk sambut kedatangan autumn, smlm kuar shopping sweater/jacket..whahaha..(companion : rin, akim, veddost)..i got myself a nike jacket...betweeb white n black..i choose black..(white susah nk jage,black gaye mutu keunggulan ^ ^)

  • Blk2 buka kom,cik teyha add on ym..keke..but malas nk layan pass it to asri while i went to sleep time tgh tgk bola..keke..dunno,i think they chat for a long time...asri said she's laser but interesting... XD

Friday 26 September 2008


Today is Friday...masjid to bli ayam...the day that my class start @ 9....

  • Its amazing, boy/girl's charm , they can be friendly(unless u make some scary face...duh..) to anyone, adults , children, and they dont care about race, language or anything...but a bad idea to bring them to Jumaat prayer as it will disturb other jemaah..but for me sitting n in the back row n dont understand anything about the khutbah (in arabic), well wachting at the baby boy make me happy....

  • Arini byk msg2 fwd selamat ari raye (ym,friendster etc), seems evrybody dh in the mood for kesempatan ni nk wish gak :-

-Selamat Hari Raye n Maaf Zahir Batin

-Last year raye in korea, hopefully, i can beraye

ngn korg2 next year

-Njoy sme bende, kuih raye, etc...

-Hati2 di jln raye..

  • I think today all mission accomplish..sending kad raye..bayar grad pic..Bli ayam..but still rase tak kne...asal erk ?

Thursday 25 September 2008

Make Damn Sure

I just wanna break you down so badly Well I trip over everything you say Well I just wanna break you down so badly In the worst way I just wanna break you down so badly Well I trip over everything you sayI just wanna break you down so badly In the worst way.

Wednesday 24 September 2008

Eres tu ?

Mood : BOred/empty

TOday is Thursday...only a class @ 3pm = pain in the arse..

  • should pick up my final year project (hope that ajoshibal done his part)

  • Brain said "U MUST STUDY!! WTH R U DOIN??!" but my heart says "Lepak a..why so serious, kate final year student..."

  • Revise a bit of AWL(academic word list)*sigh*

  • One of my fren said to me,pouring his heart out, "Siot a...aku dh terlambat...awek tu dh ade org len,senior die....Ayat same je cam org2 sebelum die, aku akan jupe org yg lagi baik...masuk ni dh 3 kali dh...". To my fren :- U just unlucky n miss time it...plenty of chances in xpe byk mase lg beb...walaupon ko tak sempat couple 3 times...jgn jd gay dh..

  • To think of it again maybe in da future,aku pon kne bende same...who knows...they said i got the package but thats not the factor...hati org sape la yg tau kan.. >.<

Hasta manyana ~

Monday 22 September 2008

Im in da mood for this.....

Yuna-Deeper Conversation
Is your favourite colour blue?
Do you always tell the truth?
Do you believe in outerspace?
And im learning you
Is your skin as tanned as mine?
Does your hair flow sideways?
Did someone took a portion of your heart?
And im learning you
And if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fearsand
Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me
I let my guard down for you
And in time you will too
if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
and Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me
if you dont mind
Can you tell me
All your hopes and fears
and Everything that you believe in
Would you make a difference in the world
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation
Only you can make me
Deeper Conversation
With me

Friday 19 September 2008


Mood : Blur/Sceptical

Spend most of my day reminisce my past n ponding upon the future...

Conclusion...useless n such a waste of time..

-boyband : 5ive (closer to me,keep on moving), 98 degrees (invisibleman, the hardest thing)
A1 (caught in the middle)
-pop: madonna (frozen,power of goodbye,beautiful stranger)ronan keating (when u say nothing at all).

  • send CV to SK Energy
  • Thinking ; work in korea or malaysia
  • Missing sum1 (grrrrr....)

Lastly,..seacrhing for my cinderella..or juliet...or lola....but still sceptical, sceptical,sceptical...

Monday 15 September 2008


Mood: Angry(dunno y),bored

MOnday Disease...

but since its holiday and woke up @ 11...its out of the question...well, maybe this week will be my Tuesday sickness.....

  • Every hour wounds. The last one kills -Old saying

Saturday 13 September 2008


Mood: HOrny (yeah rite.., during this ramadhan...)

Thing's to do...

  • Homework ;- yea,yea.. modern control and english writing... >.<
  • Pick up laundry,( oh yeah..grad pic to go )
  • Weekly report to parent
  • Prac Spain.. "chickas...Si si ".. XD

Cant believe this is my first post.....................