Monday 3 November 2008

Sunday's Activity

Mood : Sebak + happy

Sunday's evening was spent for PPMK's Annual Dinner. This would be my last one here. Ups and downs together for 5 years here, in South Korea, will be remembered. During this nite, some of my frens cried, but i couldn't. Final year students exchange gifts and hugs. Took pics. Btw I give Nadz a wrist watch branded Foce + yellow rose, glad she like it. I got a Vans shoes !!!!!Thx to Tanya...i love my batch 70 very much. Here's some flicks of the nite :-
Ape tgk2? xDBoyband..haha.. She is Nadz She is TanyaThis is my Vans !!!!

1 comment:

iLa SindaReLa said...

tag utk kamu yg dpt kasut baru..=p