Wednesday 26 November 2008

Mood : Ok2 saja..

Again for a long time since last post...mmg x istiqamah langsung..haha...btw i have to make a few point here...

  • 3 weeks till finish this semester, meaning finish study...
  • Pondering the future...nk kje ke? nk sambung master ke? nk kje kat mane? Every now n then i cant make up my always have variable that u cant count or expect them to appear...
  • f***ing english writing subject..research paper? urgh..
  • looking fwd to Samsung Display Malaysia interview..btw this comp save gile, why do the interview in our University ? Why not spend out some money to do it in Hotel or sumthing..or maybe at their main headquarters in Seoul...sigh..
  • about love? hmm..blurry..ill sort it out later..
  • Things to buy : leather jacket, wrist watch , sunglass...
  • LOOOVEEE Russel Peter..he's the best comedian...although a bit racist...but still..he's the best..


ffincher said...

fuiiiyyo. paeh update.

Sri Kandy Putri Naru said...

Hey there, u got tagged! haha..
Do what you have to do.
I have done my part! :)

refer to this entry ok?

good luck and have fun ok?

skpnaru said...

Wild Card, I got new blog, skpn = Sri Kandy. Go and check it out!