Saturday 27 September 2008

On Sunday Morning..

Hoho..not so morning if you wake up @ 1 o'clock..

  • Friday's story : Just in 1 nite, summer can turn into autumn...bgn2 dh sejup menggigil...

  • Utk sambut kedatangan autumn, smlm kuar shopping sweater/jacket..whahaha..(companion : rin, akim, veddost)..i got myself a nike jacket...betweeb white n black..i choose black..(white susah nk jage,black gaye mutu keunggulan ^ ^)

  • Blk2 buka kom,cik teyha add on ym..keke..but malas nk layan pass it to asri while i went to sleep time tgh tgk bola..keke..dunno,i think they chat for a long time...asri said she's laser but interesting... XD


ffincher said...

oih. untuk kesekian kalinya, haha, aku tak pernah teringin suruh kau layan aku. adoii. ok la pas ne aku ym same asri je la. asri ade byk jawapan yg menarik, mcm abg besar yang bes. paeh, kamu ne mcm abg besar yg suka buli adik2.haha.

nunu ab halim said...

haha *gelak*

nunu ab halim said...

eh lupa lupa. baju ni baju yg u pakei ada gmbr kat display pic ym.kan

Sri Kandy Putri Naru said...

hrmm cam ni wild card.
color putih tu utk org yang pem-bersih.
so color hitam utk org yang pem-kotor la..

hahaha :D

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