Wednesday 26 November 2008

Mood : Ok2 saja..

Again for a long time since last post...mmg x istiqamah langsung..haha...btw i have to make a few point here...

  • 3 weeks till finish this semester, meaning finish study...
  • Pondering the future...nk kje ke? nk sambung master ke? nk kje kat mane? Every now n then i cant make up my always have variable that u cant count or expect them to appear...
  • f***ing english writing subject..research paper? urgh..
  • looking fwd to Samsung Display Malaysia interview..btw this comp save gile, why do the interview in our University ? Why not spend out some money to do it in Hotel or sumthing..or maybe at their main headquarters in Seoul...sigh..
  • about love? hmm..blurry..ill sort it out later..
  • Things to buy : leather jacket, wrist watch , sunglass...
  • LOOOVEEE Russel Peter..he's the best comedian...although a bit racist...but still..he's the best..

Monday 3 November 2008

Sunday's Activity

Mood : Sebak + happy

Sunday's evening was spent for PPMK's Annual Dinner. This would be my last one here. Ups and downs together for 5 years here, in South Korea, will be remembered. During this nite, some of my frens cried, but i couldn't. Final year students exchange gifts and hugs. Took pics. Btw I give Nadz a wrist watch branded Foce + yellow rose, glad she like it. I got a Vans shoes !!!!!Thx to Tanya...i love my batch 70 very much. Here's some flicks of the nite :-
Ape tgk2? xDBoyband..haha.. She is Nadz She is TanyaThis is my Vans !!!!

Dr.M's Forum

Mood : HIgh-spirit...

One of my idol come to South Korea...

  • Dr. M's forum, 30 Oct 2008, titled "Globalization and True Realities" gonna write a bit about his speech..the content only..that i managed to jot down....He said :- globalization was made by the western and european to benefit them in economic, and globalization should be differ between countries especially the developing countries because the benefit only goes one-way. But this phenomenon can't be resist because the developing countries cant afford to invest in western countries, thus making the economic trade goes one way (western countries investing in ASEAN ), - developing countries need to make their own globalization and need some kind of protection, - Dr.M predict Malaysia will suffer from ecomonic breakdown just like US, sooner or later, - THE MOST IMPORTANT THING = 1)have LATERAL thinking 2) Take the work attic from Korean & Japan !!!!!

p/s : Dr.M mmg macho. Like his speech n personality. Can't believe he's 83.