Saturday 13 September 2008


Mood: HOrny (yeah rite.., during this ramadhan...)

Thing's to do...

  • Homework ;- yea,yea.. modern control and english writing... >.<
  • Pick up laundry,( oh yeah..grad pic to go )
  • Weekly report to parent
  • Prac Spain.. "chickas...Si si ".. XD

Cant believe this is my first post.....................


nunu ab halim said...

i cant believe it too =) keep updating paeh!

ffincher said...

ooooh nul. ini mangsa kedua ek. mangsa pertama ialah seri.

Wild Card said...

Sape seri?

nunu ab halim said...

seri seorg kwn :)

ffincher said...

hiyahaha. nul!

Sri Kandy Putri Naru said...

seri? er, adakah saya? :P

Wild Card said...

dh muncul ek misteri seorg seri??

Sri Kandy Putri Naru said...

ye dh muncul bk kamu bhati2!
huuuu <---- *ni bunyi hantu ok*

nunu ab halim said...

haha..sri sendiri takut hantuuu

Sri Kandy Putri Naru said...

ahaha u pun takut jugak kan? :P

Wild Card said...

Sape tak takut klu muke hantu cam....

Sri Kandy Putri Naru said...

muka sapa cam hantu? haha
only a ghost can recognize his/her own kind :P hahahaha *gelak2 hantu*