Friday 26 September 2008


Today is Friday...masjid to bli ayam...the day that my class start @ 9....

  • Its amazing, boy/girl's charm , they can be friendly(unless u make some scary face...duh..) to anyone, adults , children, and they dont care about race, language or anything...but a bad idea to bring them to Jumaat prayer as it will disturb other jemaah..but for me sitting n in the back row n dont understand anything about the khutbah (in arabic), well wachting at the baby boy make me happy....

  • Arini byk msg2 fwd selamat ari raye (ym,friendster etc), seems evrybody dh in the mood for kesempatan ni nk wish gak :-

-Selamat Hari Raye n Maaf Zahir Batin

-Last year raye in korea, hopefully, i can beraye

ngn korg2 next year

-Njoy sme bende, kuih raye, etc...

-Hati2 di jln raye..

  • I think today all mission accomplish..sending kad raye..bayar grad pic..Bli ayam..but still rase tak kne...asal erk ?


nunu ab halim said...

sebab u dh lame tak chat dgn i and that miss universe wave. hahahahahamudinj

Sri Kandy Putri Naru said...

hrmm nuu! and wild card mari la join facebook ok?

*ofis di tempat keje block fs and ym! hampeh :(*

Wild Card said...

Dh ade meh..fb...add

Wild Card said...

@ nuu : hoho..i wonder y..hehe..

nunu ab halim said...

i rase betul lh faiz.haha